It is with utter gratitude and joy that we announce that the first installment of This Is Icelandic Indie Music has reached the gold selling limit here in Iceland. This Is Icelandic Indie Music was released in the spring of 2013 and it’s the first compilation ever to be released on Record Records. This is not our first gold selling album but it always makes us downright happy and delighted when that happens. It’s not too long ago when Mammút reached gold with their second album, Karkari, and we’ve also seen the same great thing happening with Of Monsters and Men’s My Head Is an Animal and Retro Stefson’s third and self-titled album. Let us tell you what, they all have their songs included on This Is Icelandic Indie Music!
The second chapter in the series arrived in the spring of 2014 and it has also been well received. This Is Icelandic Indie Music gave a good insight into what was happening in the Icelandic music scene in and around 2013 and it includes twelve exclusive tracks by twelve individual artists released by Record Records. You can get your copy of by clicking right here.