Önnur Mósebók

Önnur Mósebók is the second album by Iceland’s uncrowned kings of yacht rock. Önnur Mósebók is the first official release for Record Records and it was recorded at our very own Orgelsmiðjan studio by Magnús Øder (producer of albums by Lay Low, Tilbury and Benny Crespo’s Gang).

Moses Hightower flamboyant yet laidback songwriting is made of equal dosages of Icelandic homage to mid-70s Yacht Rock (as in Steely Dan and Christopher Cross) and Os Mutantes via Kings of Convenience tropicalia with a hint of J Dilla’s masterful approach to funk-oriented hip hop and traces of Dirty Projectors’ vocal arrangements.

Members of Moses Hightower are all renowned players within the Icelandic current music scene and the band counts members and collaborators of such acts as Amiina, Sin Fang, Tilbury, Snorri Helgason Of Monsters and Men, ADHD, Can’s Damo Suzuki, Mono Town and Kippi Kanínus.


1. Stutt skref
2. Tíu dropar
3. Inn um gluggann
4. Sjáum hvað setur
5. Margt á manninn lagt
6. Háa c
7. Mannhöfin sjö
8. Góður í
9. Troðinn snjór
10. Byrjar ekki vel

Moses Hightower

Release Date:

Record Records

Available on:
CD / Vinyl / Digital

Catalog Number:
RECD018 / RELP018