Ojba Rasta

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Ojba Rasta – Jolly Good
Ojba Rasta has been laying down some considerable interest in the last months with their singles Baldursbrá and Jolly Good. Pursuing influences from all over, including world music, soundtracks and even ancient Icelandic poetry, the band’s appeal to wider audiences is understandable with its underlying elevating spirit.


1. Gjafir jarðar
2. Hreppstjórinn
3. Stjörnuljós
4. Sólstöður
5. Jolly Good
6. Baldursbrá
7. Jónsmessa
8. Í ljósaskiptunum

Ojba Rasta

Release Date:

Record Records

Available on:
CD / Vinyl / Digital

Catalog Number:
RECD019 / RELP019