A Long Time Listening

A Long Time Listening is the first full length album by melodic math core maestros Agent Fresco and it was released in late 2010. This utterly ambitious concept album is made up with seventeen tracks that will take you for a ride all over the emotional scale.
Ever since their first concert ever Agent Fresco have been identified by their sheer and extreme emotions that are splattered all across their music and their lyrics especially. Their music is unpredictable, dramatic, extreme and somewhat reassuring. They are a clever pack of musicians who are led by the hyperactive and charismatic singer Arnór Dan whose vocals range everywhere between angelic falsettos and devilish roars.
A Long Time Listening is a complex and aromatic piece of art that’s knit together with traces of metallic math core, jazzy intervals, and progressive art pop. MTV’s Halley Bondy wrote: “Agent Fresco, by and large one of the best bands to come out of Iceland… The mechanics and rhythmic patterns are stuttering and unpredictable — yet seamlessly stitched together into a stunning composition: a less confrontational, more internal At The Drive In.”
A Long Time Listening features not only members of Agent Fresco as it also includes guest appearances by noteworthy Icelandic bands like For A Minor Reflection, Dikta, Sudden Weather Change, Rökkurró and Mammút.


1. Anemoi
2. He Is Listening
3. Eyes Of A Cloud Catcher
4. Silhouette Palette
5. Of Keen Gaze
6. Translations
7. A Long Time Listening
8. In The Dirtiest Deep Of Hope
9. Yellow Nights
10. Paused
11. Implosions
12. Almost At a Whisper
13. Pianissimo
14. One Winter Sailing
15. Tiger Veil
16. Above These City Lights
17. Tempo

Agent Fresco

Release Date:

Record Records

Available on:
CD / Vinyl / Digital

Catalog Number:
RECD009 / RELP009